Hello Women of AWCC!
The transition from summer to fall is a natural time to take stock of our commitments to God and each other. As we consider reconnecting or strengthening our connection to other believers, I would like to share the IF:Table blog for the month of August. 
IF:Table host Jessica Kim writes about loneliness and reaching out to others. After battling a lonely season of being her mother’s caregiver, Jessica learned that we weren’t meant to live this life alone:
“The world is full of afflictions that distract us from looking upward. Whether it is something that causes us to stumble or pain that makes us turn inward, the body of Christ was created to distribute that weight in journeying together with the goal of restoration.”
Blog post: We Need Each Other 

 To help us connect and get to know each other more fully, we have some fun events on the calendar this fall! 
SO — mark your calendar for the evening of Tuesday, September 17thfor a Girls Night Out (GNO) at Blue Moon Brewery in Denver
They have super ambiance, great food, interesting brews and Little Man Ice cream on the dessert menu! πŸ™‚  Dinner is at 6:30pm — you can meet us there or plan to carpool from church. Please RSVP to me (Carrie Wallace)  by Monday 9/16 so that we are sure to get a big enough table for us all. 
Blessings to you this week!Carrie Wallace303.550.3209
carrie.wallace03@gmail.comP.S. Save the date for these future events (subject to change):