The Leadership Team Invites YOU to Dive into Discipleship & Prayer (with Links to Resources & Survey)

The Leadership Team invites YOU to dive into discipleship and prayer with the AWCC family this fall. There will be two different study options, both put together by our denomination. “Grow deeper in Christ” covers spiritual disciplines, such as praying scripture and reviewing your day. This guide utilizes Bible study, discussion, shared experiences, personal reflection, and practice. “Crushed olives, enduring light” is a devotional covering men and women of the Bible whose lives were transformed when they were crushed through the press of life’s difficult situations and only faith was able to take them forward. Links to more details on each book are below:

Grow Deeper in Christ: An Introduction to Spiritual Practices for Small Groups

Crushed Olives, Enduring Light

Existing men’s, women’s, and life groups are encouraged to study one of these books together this fall. Connect groups on each book will begin after the morning service on September 15. There will also be a printed roadmap available in the entryway to help you get started if you would like to work through one of the books in a 1-on-1 discipleship relationship. Please think and pray about how you would like to pursue Jesus together this fall. Please take this survey to help the Leadership Team plan Sunday morning Connect Groups and track how folks are getting involved.

The church would like Life Groups and individuals to manage and place their own orders for the “Grow Deeper in Christ” book ($7.95 each) or the print/download of the “Crushed Olives” pdf (free) at the links listed above.

Connect groups on “Grow” and “Crushed Olives” will begin September 15 after Worship with introductions and general organization. The first book or pdf discussions will happen September 22.