To the AWCC family,

As you have heard, Ariel and Taddy Schmidt have been offered employment in San Antonio.  Taddy will be leaving his position of Minister of Worship in Arts in September.  He has accomplished much in that position, and our times of worship and praise at Applewood  Community Church have been meaningful, refreshing, and joyous–a sweet fragrant gift on the altar of GOD.  We are all sorry to see Ariel and Taddy go, and will miss them.  We now begin the process of filling this position.  The Council of Deacons has tasked Matt Granitto, Deacon of Worship in Arts, to constitute a team to begin the search for our new Minister of Worship in Arts.

We have been here before, and God has always been faithful to provide us with the people we needed, when we needed them.  We are confident He will do so again. If any of you are aware of someone qualified to fill the position, please feel free to contact Matt or Mikki in the church office.

Grace and peace,
Lee Richman, on behalf of the Council of Deacons