AWCC Staff

Senior Pastor
My wife, Jess, and I have been married 19 years, serving in ministry our entire time together. We love building community, doing life with others, and being together. I hold an MA in Theology and Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary and I am an ordained minister within the Evangelical Covenant Church. I have a passion for community and discipleship and have dedicated my life to serving others and spreading the message of the love, grace, and compassion of Jesus.

Family Ministries Director
I have served in various roles within non-profit organizations and Christian ministry for over 19 years. Along with my husband, Nathan, I feel a calling to create a space for a healthy Christian community. Together, we have three wonderful sons who regularly reveal new attributes of God to us.
I am incredibly grateful to be serving the children and students at AWCC. My hope is to continue building a place where they can grow in faith and connection. I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Christian Formation at North Park Theological Seminary, with the intention of sharing what I learn with this wonderful community. We aspire to provide a space for connection and community through the love of Christ at AWCC.

Donni Harms
Office Administrator
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Jesus in this place called Applewood Community Church. We truly are a community of loving, caring and dedicated Christians on this little corner in Golden.
I have been in church office administration for 27 years and God has richly blessed me during the ups and downs of the day-to-day stresses of life. He is my Hope, my Rock and my Salvation. I have 3 grown children, their spouses and 6 amazing grandchildren all living in Colorado. I am eternally thankful for my “generational Christian heritage” and pray my family will continue that tradition for generations to come. “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever.” Amen.